Essarr LoreBook

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Mars & Jupiter bosom buddies

Ninjasr|Done...again Alright, attempt #2. In June of this year, I had created 地球の遠日点 as an update. What follows is a smaller summed-up version of that.
Y’see, HelioHost suddenly had an issue sometime in early July…which happened to hit me. After it was resolved, I learned that my entire account had been wiped. Prior to that, I had a separate HelioHost issue, so I did have a backup which was relatively recent.
Now, I don’t think anything significant was lost and I have re-done a few of the changes that I had made after restoring the backup the first time…
This is one of the few times I’m thankful I was too lazy to do any significant work. The most significant thing to happen was me announcing the addition of Kidō Kēsatsu Patlabor, which had already happened about a month prior.
From now on, though, I’ll make an attempt to make a backup at least once a month.
I previously explained the banner and that I would be including one from now on. I silently vowed to myself that I wouldn’t explain any of them from that update forward, so you’re out of luck ‘cause I’m not explainin’ this one.

Boring Wiki Stuff

  • I changed the logo in the corner.
  • I changed the favicon.
  • I changed the colors.
  • I had changed the default separator, which briefly broke a few things, but I think I fixed them.
  • I changed the banner on the landing page and the LoreBook’s startpage.

Exciting Wiki Stuff

New Articles

I guess I should re-announce the addition of the Kidō Kēsatsu Patlabor article, which took me a while to write.
Also, I added Essarr Favorites. Read it if you’re curious.

Patreon, Ko-Fi!

I almost forgot to re-announce that I have set up a patreon and Ko-Fi. Now, you and I both know I have zero readers, but I’m setting it up more for the future than anything else. A man can dream to get more readers, right?
Anyhow, if you’re interested in sending me cash to spend on…I don’t know, sex toysA)? Then go ahead and send me stuff.
Links are in the sidebar.


I’m moving away from the Imagebox plugin, because it’s broken and I don’t know why. Either my fault or not. If it’s not my fault, get the damn thing fixed!
The AMVs page has examples of what I’ll be doing from now on. There is a downside to this approach, but they at least look nice.


I’ve been thinking of adding an Audio/Video section to the front page. There aren’t any articles written on A/V just yet (at least none that are public), but I’ll eventually add some.
Additionally, I’ve recently developed an interest in two competitive team-based sports, which I may eventually add articles for. I’m not sure if this is a passing interest yet, particularly for one of them, so I’m not promising anything.
Oh right, I also remembered that I wrote two essays for my school, which I will adapt to this wiki at some point…because I think they’re neat.

Blog-y Stuff


The previous version of this update had me complaining about Tatsumoto’s blog. So I’m doing it again: he’s a dumbass who shouldn’t be listened toB). However, his tip about ‘All Japanese All the Time’ (coincidentally didn’t originate from his brain) is actually pretty good, so listen to him on that front.
I was previously optimistic, but I ended up falling flat on my plans, so I’m forced to reset again. I think I’m in a good position overall though.


I spent some time explaining why I started and subsequently dropped Azumanga, but I won’t bother much. The summary is that I think it’s good, I like it, but I don’t like it enough to watch more of it. I started watching Shimoneta while watching Azumanga and I enjoyed that a lot more (I even finished it).
I watched both RAW, without subtitles, in Japanese…so I didn’t really understand them fully. I’ll be continuing in this direction from then on.

Persona 5

I previously mentioned that I liked the game, thought it needed to be thought-out a bit more in some places…but now, I’m not sure. I’m nearing the end of the game, but I just can’t get myself to play more (I found myself under-leveled and pissed offC)). I may end up just dropping the game before I finish it. Considering the main reason I started to play it has already been fulfilled (to hang out with KawakamiD)), I’m not sure why I should bother, if the story is the only thing keeping me going.

Worker status

In late June, early July, I had a part-time job in a factoryE). This means that I can now be classified as a worker.
This replaced a section where I ranted about Wikipedia.
Concerningly, I have not yet received a paycheck. Although that’s nothing compared to the real plus of this: I can finally counter any claims that I haven’t worked a single day in my life.

A) Hopefully just a joke, as I’ll spend the money on prostitutes and a chair instead.
B) Just to add to that, I hope everyone knows that DigDeeper is also a dumbass.
C) To elaborate further: I think I’m doing pretty well in the game, overall. In fact, I think my current level is just enough to finish the game…but the bosses in the last dungeon are such bullshit, man.
D) And it is, of course, completely unacceptable that there is little Kawakami-sensei content in the game. For those willing to wait, I will eventually produce a Kawakami-sensei themed software product which I will distribute via CD-ROM.
E) Assembling headlights.
ns/mars.jupiter.bosom.buddies.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-14 15:15:11 by ninjasr

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