Last Action Hero

Notice: This is a review-only article, and is only listed on the reviews collections page!


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Kung Fury before Kung Fury.

It’s about a kid who really likes action films. Specifically, he enjoys the Jack Slater film series (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger). One day he receives a magic film ticket from his… old friend. While watching Jack Slater IV the ticket activates and he ends up inside the film as his favourite hero’s sidekick.
The film is hard to define. While it’s clear that it’s comedic; whether it’s a satire or parody is unclear (In this film the line is very thin). That isn’t to say it’s bad; just a bit confusing.
I really liked Arnold’s performance in this (along with the kid, don’t know his name) and everyone else is pretty solid. The music was fantastic. The special effects were a bit meh, but seeing as it’s not supposed to be taken seriously I let it slide.
What I didn’t like was how much time was spent in the film within the film, I think it would have benefited more from spending more time in the real world.
Good film. Watch it at least once.