Death on the Nile

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I should state first that I watched the Oriental Express adaptation with the same actor before, and I quite liked that one. This film is inferior to that one in almost every way. My disappointment upon watching this film is indescribable. It doesn’t help Gal Gadot’s acting is trash. The film is also boring, which the original was not.
One of the things that bothers me most about this one is how they ruined a character from the Oriental Express: Book. Book was a character I quite liked, but his characterization isn’t consistent with the previous film. It’s like he’s watered-down. This is strange since they didn’t even need to include him in this one because he wasn’t even in the original. Then they fucking kill him. Wasting him as a character.
There’s also something off about the pacing, but I can’t say for sure what it is.