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Translations and Transliterations of Names

This article lists a random assortment of names that I translated into other languages. Currently, it’s limited to translations in Japanese.


Some time in the past I was curious as to what my name would be if translated into Japanese, but, to my disappointment, I only found transliterations of my name. This was when I decided to just do it myself.
The ‘how’ was not as difficult as I thought. To translate a name, you simply find the meaning of the name, and then find a word that represents that meaning in another language.
It turned out that my name has a rather complicated meaning, so I decided to go at much simpler names first. Eventually, I will be able to say ‘that’s my name right there!’ but, for now, that won’t be possible.

Note on Translation & Transliteration

Translation is the act of converting something from one language to another, while transliteration is the rewriting of something in another language/script.
Using ‘sky’ as an example, a Japanese translation would be '(そら)’, while a transliteration would be スカイ - sukai.


A) So far, that is.
B) The actual pronunciation is unknown, so I’m mostly guessing here.
C) Yes, it is the same as one of the pronunciations.
D) Can’t yet verify if this is actually used as a name.
E) Meaning at this particularly moment.
F) Audiophiles!
G) () - (Ko) is a frequently used suffix in Japanese for feminine names.
H) I’m doing my best here, it is Irish after all.