This is a description of what I call the Latin AbugidaA). It was born from the desire to see how it would look.
While it’s essentially a work in progress, I don’t know if I’ll ever return to update it.
The sounds that the letters represent are borrowed from English-7, which is also the source of the vowel system.
The ‘potentials’ group is a list of latin letters that could be used in the system. They could either be used to represent sounds, or serve as short-hand. The criteria for inclusion was whether I thought they looked cool or not.
This is a short list of examples, enlarged to make them easier to see.
Serif = s̀r̈f
Refrain = r̈fr̀ı̈n
Maid = m̀ı̈d
Romantic = ṛı̖ḿnẗc
Maiden = m̀ı̈d̗n
The = Ð̗
Bang = B́ŋ
Chance = Ↄ́nts
Jack = J́k
Tanged = t́ŋd