====== Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetei: Tenshi-tachi no Ren'ai Zunousen ====== {{template>tp:review}} ===== Review ===== **Kaguya-sama: Love is War** [{{ https://files.catbox.moe/s5oyo5.jpg |Hate is peace?}}] The show is a romantic comedy about 2 teens who each try to make the other confess to them. Hilarious situations arise.\\ Seeing the internal thoughts of our duo is pretty entertaining, especially Miyuki's "//O Kawaii Koto//" moments. Eventually you reach a point where you feel like yelling at them to "finally get together damnit" but it never reaches a point where it would degrade your enjoyement. Except when you reach the ending, where the lack of that may actually fill you with sadness.\\ Otherwise pretty neat, I didn't notice any animation errors so good yes. ===== Trivilinks ===== * [[anidb>14111|aniDB]] * [[https://thetvdb.com/series/kaguya-sama-love-is-war|theTVDB]] {{tag>review}}