====== Latin Abugida ====== This is a description of what I call the **Latin Abugida**((:fn:>'Abugida' is a term used for a particular type of writing system. However, this is technically an 'alphasyllabary' at least according to [[https://neography.info/writing-systems/|Neography.info]].)). It was born from the desire to see how it would look.\\ While it's essentially a work in progress, I don't know if I'll ever return to update it. ===== The letters ===== The sounds that the letters represent are borrowed from [[lb:English-7]], which is also the source of the vowel system.\\ The 'potentials' group is a list of latin letters that could be used in the system. They could either be used to represent sounds, or serve as short-hand. The criteria for inclusion was whether I thought they looked cool or not. * Consonants * Mm * Nn * /ŋ/ * Ŋŋ * Pp * Tt * /tʃ/ * Ↄↄ * Kk * Alt: Cc * Bb * Dd * /dʒ/ * Jj * Gg * Hh * Ff * /θ/ * ÞÞ * /ð/ * Ðð * Ss * Zz * /ʃ/ * ſſ * /ʒ/ * Ʒʒ * Ww * Ll * /j/ * Yy * Rr * Carrier * ı * Vowels * /ɪ/ (i) * ◌̈ * /ʊ/ (u) * ◌̖ * /ʌ/ (ù) * ◌̄ * /ɒ/ (o) * ◌̥ * /æ/ (a) * ◌́ * /ə/ (è) * ◌̗ * /ɛ/ (e) * ◌̀ * Long Vowels * All diacritics + ◌̧ * Diphthongs * Represented with the vowel + a carrier and the other vowel. * Letter Combinations (Shorthand) * Qu- * Qq * -re/-er * ꝛ(?) * /kʃ/ * ? * Potentials: * Ᵹᵹ (Insular G) * Ⅎⅎ (Claudian Letter for 'v') * Ⱶⱶ (Claudian Half H) * Ꝛꝛ (Rotunda R) * Ꞃꞃ (Insular R) * Ꞅꞅ (Insular S) * Ꞇꞇ (Insular T) * Variant for T * Ꝣꝣ (Visigothic Z) * Variant for final z * Ꞗꞗ (B with Flourish) * Ꞵꞵ (Beta) * Ƨƨ (Reversed S) * Variant for Z * Ʌʌ (Turned V) ===== Examples ===== This is a short list of examples, enlarged to make them easier to see. Serif = s̀r̈f\\ Refrain = r̈fr̀ı̈n\\ Maid = m̀ı̈d\\ Romantic = ṛı̖ḿnẗc\\ Maiden = m̀ı̈d̗n\\ The = Ð̗\\ Bang = B́ŋ\\ Chance = Ↄ́nts\\ Jack = J́k\\ Tanged = t́ŋd\\ {{tag>linguas}}