====== Haniwa's Store ====== {{ https://files.catbox.moe/vdx8lg.jpg|Leaf Garden}} {{ruby|葉庭|はにわ}}の{{ruby|出店|でみせ}}(Haniwa's Store) is a dōjin circle run by an artist calling himself Haniwa, or Leaf Garden. He's been active for a very long time.\\ The circle mostly produces [[lb:touhou]]-centric content; notably the series [[lb:th:Miko Miko Suika]], and a three-parter called //Thought of Dolls//. Besides that, he took part in an official touhou anthology [[lb:manga|manga]] at one point.\\ Haniwa's most recent blog post is from 2019, so it's unclear (to me) whether he's still active. ===== Media ===== * [[lb:th:Miko Miko Suika]] ===== Trivilinks ===== * [[http://haniwano.blog46.fc2.com/|Haniwa's blog]] * [[https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Haniwa's_Store|Touhou Wiki entry on Haniwa's Store]] * [[https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Haniwa|Touhou Wiki entry on Haniwa]] * The literal translation of {{ruby|葉庭|はにわ}}(Haniwa) is //Leaf Garden//, hence the banner. * The banner is from his blog. {{tag>creators otaku}}